Monday, April 26, 2010

Relaxing weekend gone too soon....

GRRRRRRRR... it's Monday! Argh... Good morning everyone! On top of Mondays being a bummer to begin with, it's a dreadful day here in Miami!! The sky is black, I've heard there are tornado warnings for some parts of the county and the rain sounds like rocks pelting the windows! UGH! Anyway, the good news is that the weekend was radically different! The weather was perfect - clear blue sky, lots of sun and a nice breeze! So, you can guess what I was doing.... Yeah, I was out on my balcony playing with plants and dirt... :)

I was very productive in the nature department this weekend, I re-potted some succulents, potted new cuttings from my mother's yard, and rearranged everything on my balcony! Woohoo! Revolution! Yes, I was not liking the arrangement of plants and decor on the balcony, so I moved it all around and now I am quite satisfied (for the moment - until the next revamp!). I do love to move things around often in order to keep spaces feeling fresh and new. Here are pictures of my plants and the results of my switcheroo....

Another little garden sign from the dollar store, SO MANY WEEDS SO LITTLE THYME! So appropriate for my strawberry pot herb garden, right next to the Thyme! ;)

My herbs are doing fantastic!!

After seeing how well this plant has done in my strawberry pot I decided to buy two at Home Depot over the weekend, they love sun, they attract butterflies and they have beautiful little orange and yellow flowers... only $3.97/each! I love them, they really add a great touch to the balcony!

I love this succulent, but the flower stalks got so long they started to droop low so I had to support them with a little bamboo stick.

I plucked these pieces of cactus from my mom's yard over the weekend, I punched a hole in the bottom of a decorative tin that I found at the dollar store and voila! I love the vibrant green, and it matches the planter perfectly!

I also plucked these from my mom's yard and planted them yesterday....

And this aloe too....

I bought some new succulents while I was at Home Depot on Saturday (DUH!). I planted one in the blue pot above (I forgot to get a detailed shot of that one), its pink and gray petals contrast so well with that cobalt blue! As for the others, they are hanging out under the little side table, I have yet to transplant them to other containers.... Seen below is the first succulent that I fell in love with in the garden section, its green and purple petals are AMAZING!!!

The plant below is called a Coral Cactus... amazing huh? Looks exactly like a piece of coral rock, hence the name....

This is the indoor gang, these cacti, aloe and other succulents don't like the harsh direct sunlight on the balcony, they stay nice and green just inside the sliding doors....

This is the flower that opens up every other couple of days on the cactus, the photo is blurry and does not do the flower justice AT ALL.... it is the most adorable little flower, looks just like a red bell!....

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