Friday, December 31, 2010

Finally. A Movie.

Emmylou Harris--"Wayfaring Stranger" (mp3)

Winter's Bone is one of those movies that comes along and restores your faith in the genre.

There is no need to talk about the problems with today's bloated, juvenile, unsatisfying slate of typical Hollywood movies that swap stars and recycle situations. So I won't. Suffice it to say, sometimes a movie really benefits from the restrictions that come with smaller budgets and little-known actors. Such is the case with Winter's Bone.

Plot Synopsis While Revealing Nothing: in rural Missouri, Ree, a 17-year-old girl, forced to raise her younger siblings because her mother's mind has snapped and her father is absent, goes on a search to find her meth-cooking father, because he has used the family property as collateral for his bail, and if/when he no-shows at court, his family, already barely scraping by, will lose the land.

To say that this is one of the most perfectly-acted movies you will see is an understatement. In addition to newcomer Jennifer Lawrence, who has rightly generated some Oscar buzz, the film is populated with major and minor roles filled by actors who look vaguely familiar, but more likely from that stop you once made at a small town Wal-Mart than from some other movie you've seen them in. The exception is John Hawkes (of Deadwood fame), who, as Ree's uncle, Teardrop, plays the closest thing to a knight in shining armor she will ever see, and plays the role with more menace than tenderness. "I've always been scared of you," she says at one point when they are most bonded. "That's because you're smart," he responds.

This is a world with its own rules and rulers of drug production and criminal activity, and the law has only tagential control. You don't ask. You don't talk. You don't second guess. You don't challenge. Especially if you are a woman. It is a patriarchal world, where men rule, and women defer to them and justify them and run interference for them. But in a world with such rigid roles for men and women, what happens when a young woman, who is neither broken nor beholdin' to a man, acts on her own maternal instincts?

Because that, of course, is exactly what Ree does, and because she does it, the beauty of the movie emerges. Her dogged assumptions about how families and neighbors and "blood" are supposed to act force everyone around her into actions and conflicts they might otherwise have avoided and might have gotten through their lives never having to deal with. They might wish that Ree would just go away, but she won't, and so a friend must do whatever it takes to get her deadbeat husband's truck, a neighbor must take a horse, an uncle must accept his brother's failings.

And Ree herself is the most fascinating character. She does not expect to rise miraculously above her roots or to escape her upbringing. She may stand inside the high school she once attended, but while the pregnant girls in class may be practicing with dolls, she knows full well that she has real live mouths to feed. She defends her father's reputation as a meth cooker, using her knowledge of his skills as a way of shooting down one theory of what happened to him. Even his abandonment of his family she passes of as one of those things people have to do.

One of the most poignant moments in the film comes when Ree begs her catatonic mother to help her, just this one time, to tell her what to do. The child, forced into an adult world, desperately wants to be a child again, to resume a life with some parental protection, but all her mother can do is to stare into space. Her mother, her role model, her predictor of the path her own life will take, is the most helpless character in her world. Her mother is yet another child to care for. And so, we see Ree's own childrearing patterns take over--she will protect her siblings, but at the same time, she will teach them self-reliance and will not allow them the luxury of being scared.

This is one of the most violent movies I have ever seen, and yet, there is no scene of violence. It's just there. It's there when Teardrop says to Ree, "I already said 'no' with my mouth," implying there are other ways of making the point. It's there in the past history of how disputes are settled. It's there in the way Ree teaches her younger siblings to fire guns for food and protection. It's there in the only way Ree can resolve her situation. It's there in the brutal landscape of wrecked, burned, and broken things scattered everywhere. It's in the air.

Winter's Bone is a film of deep, ironic truth. In a selfish, self-destructive world of dominance and retribution, Ree's quest forces those around her to confront what's left of their own humanity. This is especially true for the women. Because Ree is so close to the edge of survival, stripped of any motive save for the protection of her family, they have no choice but to acknowledge her unwillingness to give up, and the way her female adversaries finally act is one of the most harrowing scenes of this or any year.

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Special Hours of Christmas

Rickie Lee Jones w/ The Chieftans--"O, Holy Night" (mp3)

Everyone knows about these hours, but no one talks about them. They are the last hours of Christmas Eve, the earliest hours of Christmas morning. Much as we would like to think that the time for presents, meals, visitors, or playing with toys define Christmas day, it is really these latest, earliest hours.

When you are very young, these hours pass more slowly than any hours of the entire year. You know you should be asleep, you want to be asleep, you need to be asleep for what will follow, but the anticipation of the day to come is so great that you can do nothing but lie awake, toss and turn, count sheep, play mind games with yourself, talk to your brother or sister, if he or she is in the room or bed with you, anything that might have the slightest chance of getting you or both of you to get to sleep. If the sheets were cold, they get too warm; if they stay cold, you know you will stay awake. You listen for reindeer on the roof, for someone to enter your house and eat the snacks you have left.

When you are a teenager, these hours may not start out with family, but will definitely end with family. I remember one Christmas Eve where we went to church with our Catholic friend Geoff, who had to check Christmas Eve mass off of his checklist, but we decided we would attend after a night of driving and and drinking vodka and something, maybe Coke, maybe whatever mixed with it that night. I was in the back seat; the jug was handed to me with the command, "Finish it," something I was all too happy to do, having no idea how much vodka was down there at the bottom. I don't remember much of the rest of the evening, except stumbling into that church and wobbling my way through the service and ending up at home where my mother and brother were still up and carrying on, somehow, a lucid, or so it seemed, conversation with them. Opening presents the next morning with a raging, naseous hangover was among the least fun things that I have ever done.

As a young husband, ultimately a young parent, the wee hours of Christmas Eve/Christmas were spent getting the upcoming event together, putting together whatever needed constructing, be it a Barbie Dream House or a bicycle. By that time, you are completely exhausted, but you have certain tasks that must be finished. There is no way around that, and so you keep on and keep on and keep on. It is a very pleasant tiredness, and you know that you will muster the energy for whatever comes by morning light.

Then there comes some year, or years, where you are just up during those hours because you expect to be up at those hours, and the earliest hours of Christmas bring with them the oddest kind of loneliness. You don't feel bad about being alone, because you really aren't. Every Christmas that has ever happened to you is there with you, and you are there alone to try to process all of them at once. You fill stockings for children who are too old for them. You look with satisfaction upon your gifts, the ones that you will give to others.

When your children get older, all of you are up until midnight or beyond. Some are snacking, some are drinking wine. From time to time, everyone is laughing, as you all remember this or that from previous years, as you finish up some ritual that has become part of the late evening, a series of fondues, perhaps, or a gathering with other families at another house.

At some point, some year, you just use that hour to relax. It is the quietest moment of the year. Everyone in the house slumbers. You sit. In darkness. Your worst fears are somehow muted.

This year, you realize that you owe your blog a blogpost, and after some of all of the above, you feel some latent inspiration, some desire to get all of it down while all of it is on your mind, and so you spend part of those hours sitting in front of a computer, even as a fire burns elsewhere, as others in the house look at photographs or listen to favorite Christmas songs. You have obligations to fulfill.

In many ways, where you are now is no different from where you have ever been--alone, expectant, lonely, not alone, nostalgic, anxious, filled with obligations and upcoming duties, maybe filled with a bit too much to drink. And you think, as you glance at the clock for confirmation, 'Welcome to Christmas, that loneliest and famliest of holidays, when all that is expected cannot possibly be fulfilled, and yet, somehow is.'

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Traditional Christmas Trees

 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

So, this is it folks...  I've shared with you all of the funky, eclectic, artistic and unique Christmas and holiday decor, wreaths and trees I could find...  Now it's time for my final holiday post.  What better way to end my holiday blog streak (which I hope you've enjoyed) with a post on traditional Christmas trees dressed in a multitude of styles.  Scroll on for both lovely trees and living room holiday decor.  I hope you've been inspired by my posts this holiday season!

I'd like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!  

Other 2010 holiday posts you might like:

2009 holiday posts you might like:

Isn't this whole space just so so beautiful?  The tree is amazing, I love the apple and orange ornaments, the lace tablecloth and just the overall ambiance!


 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
(All images via a Google image search, Country Living, Better Homes and Gardens or where otherwise noted in the file name)

Holiday Wreaths: Crafts and Fabric


Christmas Eve is upon us! Here is the final wreath post, it features crafty wreaths made from bells to buttons to cans and more!  I have one final Christmas/Holiday post, the last of the Christmas trees posts featuring traditional trees in a wide range of decor styles.  Stay tuned and I wish all of you and your families a happy holiday!  I'm looking forward to tonight's meal at my mom's house!!  More on that later... ;)

Other 2010 holiday posts you might like:

2009 holiday posts you might like:


(All images via a Google image search or where otherwise noted in the file name)