Friday, August 6, 2010

Cupcake Mania!

Lately cupcakes seem to be a craze... there are cupcake shops popping up all around Miami and let me tell you, they charge a pretty penny for a cupcake!... up to $3.50 each that I've seen! Anyway, after indulging in these delicious treats a few too many times my boyfriend and I decided that enough was enough, we could not develop such a pricey habit! Since we both can cook and bake we decided to make our very own designer cupcakes.

We started with Carrot Cake cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting... then we decided to try a recipe that my mother absolutely loves: Hummingbird cake! Hummingbird cake has bananas, walnuts, crushed pineapple, shredded coconut and shredded carrot (optional) and it is absolutely DELICIOUS!!!

As you can see they came out pretty darn cute! At first we were hesitant to make mini cupcakes, but when the grocery store only had the mini cupcake liners we decided to give'em a try, plus I found the perfect mini cupcake pan by Rachel Ray. while shopping at Ross the other day! *wicked grin* And the result? Soft and moist little munchkins that you can just pop in your mouth all at once! YUM!

The best part about all this is that no sooner had I posted these pictures on Facebook I already had an old friend from high school asking if they were for sale! We were flattered, especially since she is going on looks and not taste... So yes, we officially have our first client and are making her 70 mini Hummingbird Cupcakes with a Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting for a party TONIGHT! WHOA! We are thrilled and anxious... when I get out of work I need to dash home like superwoman to whip these up!!

How exciting!! So, is there a small business in our future? Most likely! My boyfriend and I have both wanted our own business for a long time and constantly go over ideas together, but I never thought it would be a cupcake/baking business! However, like I told my boyfriend and my mom, if cupcakes can help get us to a point in life where we can make all of our other dreams and passions come true - SO BE IT! Perhaps it's meant to be!

Wish us luck and I hope you have a great weekend!


Here is the finished product, garnished with some pecans and cinnamon sugar!

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